
This Community of Practice (CoP) is an industry-led initiative formed through various collaborative engagements spanning government, industry, and academia related to the impacts of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). This group is established to support professionals of any background and across disciplines to explore opportunities that span fields of study and encourage professionals to consider the systemic impacts of HPAI across human, animal, and environmental health. This is an industry-led initiative that hopes to bring professionals together and make meaningful connections to expand boundaries and work, building collaboration and providing space for people to share their successes and challenges with their peers.

Webinars are held quarterly. They are recorded and accessible from this page once available. To sign up for webinar notices and updates, please e-mail us at onehealth(at)cbotkin.ca. These webinars are open to anyone, but will be targeted to provide continuing education to professionals in the the fields of environment, conservation, agriculture, human health, and veterinary practitioners.

Upcoming CoP meeting dates are listed below. If the date is a hyperlink, you can register for the session by clicking on it. Past recorded sessions can be found below, if available.

Join the LinkedIn group here!

Other One Health events and community links of interest to members:

